Costa Almeria Property For Sale
Area Guide
The Area
Mojacar lies on the Mediterranean Sea in the sunny south east corner of Spain. The nearest airport, Almeria, is just fifty five minutes away and Alicante airport can be reached in just over two hours on the motorway. The area has an excellent dry sunny climate with an average of 320 days sunshine per year.
Mojacar itself stands on top of a hill, the buildings are white the flowers profuse and many of the streets are traffic free. The views are truly magnificent overlooking the coast and the inland plain towards the mountains. Apart from the delights of the many bars and excellent restaurants in both Mojacar itself and the general area there is 17kms of beach which makes a wide range of water sports possible. Moorings for boats are available in Barrucha, a small fishing and sailing port 7km up the coast.
Construction has always been controlled in Mojacar, no high rise buildings. The regulations stipulate two stories for dwellings and three for hotels and this has helped to conserve the beauty and enchantment of the village. It is a tranquil, unsophisticated place and will not appeal to those wanting casinos or smart nightclubs.
The Romans called Mojacar Montem Sanctum or Sacred Mountain, the Moors held fast to their home making peace long after their neighbours had fallen to their christian opponents. After that peace a new inflow of Christians arrived from the Kingdom of Murcia. Since the 1950s yet another influx of outsiders has come in. Today you are just as likely to hear English, French, German or Dutch spoken as you are Spanish.
For golfers there is a nine hole course at Cortijo Grande and the area boasts two lawn bowls clubs. For horse enthusiasts there are at least four riding establishments and there is a selection of tennis courts, squash courts, mini golf etc. Archeologists, Botanists, and Geologists will delight in the area, the spectacular light has made Mojacar a mecca for painters and artists of all schools. Something for everyone in fact and because of the wonderful climate year round too. Granada ski slopes, where the 1995 world ski championships took place can be reached in an easy three hour drive.
Buying a Property in Spain
1. Putting down a Holding Deposit
On finding a property you wish to purchase you will need to negotiate the terms, price and conditions of the sale with the owner. This part of the process is not binding. We would recommend using an independent English speaking legal advisor. Once a purchase price has been agreed, normally a holding or reserve deposit will be required to ensure the property is removed from the market. The sum required will vary between properties and will be based on the purchase price. A time limit for the preagreement to be signed will be arranged and there will also be legal checks to be made.
2. Setting up a Pre-agreement (Contrato privado de compraventa)
The pre-agreement will set out the conditions under which the Buyer and Seller agree to complete the purchase of the property and the price they have agreed upon. Relevant details will generally be included for example the property details, purchase price and the date for completion. A deposit will be required at this point, this will vary, but will generally be 10% of the agreed price. This agreement will include a penal clause if the sale does not go through. If the seller pulls out of the sale your compensation will be double the deposit you have paid, but if you decide not to go through with the sale then your deposit will be lost. Certain checks will need to be made before signing the contract, checks should be made against the title of the property, mortgage status and if the property has any debts held against it. The planning status should also be looked into. These conditions can be varied by the seller and the buyer and other types of agreement can be made.
3. The Contract (Escritura de compraventa)
Before a non-Spanish purchaser can buy a Spanish property they will need to have set up a Spanish bank account and obtained a Spanish tax number (NIE). The completion will take place in the presence of a Notary Public. This is a Spanish public official, by law the deed of sale must be witnessed by a Notary Public. You will also need your own independent, expert legal advisor to act on your behalf. On Completion the buyer must pay the balance, that is the price agreed after the deposit has been deducted, plus any other fees on the completion date. Both buyer and seller must sign the Escritura de compraventa contract, (this is the Spanish equivalent of the title deeds). The title deeds (escritura) will be given to the buyer, this will be done in the presence of a Notary Public, they will certify that the transfer has taken place. The tax office will be sent a copy and the property registry will be informed of the transfer.